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Democratic Committee Meeting

Monday, April 9, 2012

GOP, 51% Dim Witts and Nut Jobs

GOP, Magnet for Dim Witts and Nut Jobs

Trying to keep up with the thoughts of the GOP is more fun than watching SNL.

Not all the members of the GOP are Dim Witts and Nut Jobs.    To be fair only about 30% are but that's enough to diminish the seriousness with which the republicans are a part of the two party system.    The partisanship of the Grand Old Party is so great that they are happy to pander to anyone and proud to claim the votes of any group without reguard to their talking points.   Lets take a close look at the elements that make up today's republican party.

From Georgia, Ohio, and Tennessee Republican polls in addition to looking at the Presidential race we also polled on some of the issues that have been in the news recently:   Rush Limbaugh and the reemergence of birtherism.

                                I've Got Mine, F... You

Our numbers suggest that Rush Limbaugh has seen significant erosion in his popularity with Republican voters.    The last time we polled him nationally he was at 80/12 with GOPers.   But now we find him below 50% in all three of these states: he's at 45/28 in Ohio, 46/29 in Tennessee, and 44/30 in Georgia.

Republican women in particular have become very skeptical about Limbaugh.    He's at only 39/28 with them in Ohio and 36/30 in Tennessee.   Republicans deny they have a war on women going on but it seems women see it differently.

Feelings about Limbaugh produce a pretty big divide in  GOP voters.     Rush still has his radio show but his influence is diminished.   The GOP has decided they can no longer carry the hate filled rants of a radio fool as the voice of their party.   Just as a broken clock is right twice a day so are the dim witts and nut jobs of the republican party ocassionally right.   With sufficient work and effort the republicans may someday match the broken clock in correctness but as for now think of the expression once in a blue moon when looking at how often they get it right.

Karl Rove, Man From The Past

Karl being removed from recent GOP Meeting

Karl Rove, who served as White House chief of staff under President George W. Bush, is warning Republicans to avoid the "birther" debate.    Karl is under extreme scrunity from the right wing who feel he is too soft and moderate to be a member of today's republican party.    Polls show 51% of republicans consider Karl Rove to be an outdated and useless piece of the past best pushed aside and forgotten as was done with G W Bush.   Were Karl to be deceased the party could rewrite his history and up date him to today's republican standards as was done with Ronald Reagan.

The Gipper before TV and Color Photography
                           The Republican Good Old Days

"Within our party, we've got to be very careful about allowing these people who are the birthers and the 9/11-deniers to get too high a profile and say too much without setting the record straight,"   Rove said.

The Absolute Truth

Rove was discussing a survey released this week by the Democratic polling firm Public Policy Polling, showing that 51 percent of Republican voters likely to participate in next year's presidential primaries are "birthers."    I think this poll is a fluke and that only 30% of the GOP falls in the nut job category but when it comes to counting dim witt republicans one never knows.    There is no doubt that the intellect of the republican party is dropping fast.

The term "birthers" refers to those who are skeptical of whether President Obama was born in the United States and is thus qualified to be president.  The "birther movement" began during Mr. Obama's presidential campaign.    It has steadily persisted through Mr. Obama's presidency, in spite of overwhelming evidence he was born in the United States -- including his 1961 birth announcement, printed in two Hawaii newspapers.

Rove said Tuesday that regardless of the true percentage of Republicans who question the president's origins, "it ought to be less."   People who demonstrate no sense of reality on this issue are suspect of having zero sanity on other issues.

"We need the leaders of our party to say, 'Look, stop falling into the trap of the White House and focus on the real issues,'" Rove said.   What else could he say?    Republicans started and pushed this rumor and the tea party adopted it as a cause.   Republican Presidential candidates talked up the birther issue and republican
audiences ate it up like raw meat fed to hungry lions.   Now that the insanity of the birther debate is hurting the republican party they want to blame it on someone else and desert their masterpiece of lies and spin.   Now Rove calls it a White House Trap.   The utter stupidity of the GOP cannot be defended so once again they
rewrite history and lie about their past.

The poll, Rove said, "fits into the White House theme-line" of vilifying Republicans. "These guys may be lousy at governing," he said, "but they're damn good at politics."

Karl and GW in the Coke Days

Rove compared the birther movement to the John Birch Society, the group that William F. Buckley and other mainstream conservatives shunned in the 1960's for its far-right views.  The group's founder Robert Welch, for instance, called President Dwight D. Eisenhower a "conscious, dedicated agent of the communist conspiracy."   
Since the 1960's the conservative republicans have been lying dim witts and no less than Karl Rove says so.

Rove said that today's Republican leaders should say, "we've got better things to talk about," and then the issue will go away.    This is ignorant on too many fronts to take on so I'll mention just a few.   First when over 50% of your party is spreading this garbage it will not go away simply ecause you stop talking about it.   Second what else do republicans have to talk about?    Their War on Women's Health Care, Their attempt to keep thousands of poor and minority citizens from voting, Their desire to end Medicare, Their desire to restructure and end as we know it Social Security, Tax Breaks for big business and the Rich, Their desire to take away Worker's Rights and end bargaining for wages and benefits.   No more, please, don't tell me any more about republicans.   How completely removed from reality must a voter be to pull the lever for a republican?

If I Had a Job I Would Have Quit by Now

In a few recent instances, Republican leaders have refused to say categorically they believe Mr. Obama was born in the United States.   Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann, for instance, said on ABC's "Good Morning America"  that she thought the president should be taken "at his word" about his status as a U.S. citizen, but she stopped short of saying that she believed he was one.

3 Wise Men of GOP - See No - Hear No - Speak No

When asked about the issue, House Speaker John Boehner said the state of Hawaii's declaration that Mr. Obama was born there was "good enough for me."   However, he said with respect to the birthers in Congress, "It's not up to me to tell them what to think."

Bob Vaginal Probe McDonnell hopes to be Mitt's VP

The White House has in the past criticized Republicans for appealing to the "fringe" of Americans who are skeptical of the president's citizenship.    Now that this group is no longer the "FRINGE" but the majority of dim witted republican voters the White House will have to accept that republicans are a special animal and use really small words in speeches if it wants to impart information to republicans.   I don't think the republicans have hit rock bottom yet.   I see the GOP outdoing itself, doubling down and taking dim to a whole new level of pseudo intellect.    And lastly and sadly I can even imagine them holding office and being elected
as our society goes down the tubes.   It won't take but a few more republican administrations to do to the United States of America what till now no enemy could do.

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus and the Caterpillar

They are just like Caterpillars, for the most part

If Republicans have a problem with women voters, it's because Democrats have fueled that false narrative, the head of the Republican party said in an interview with Bloomberg Television to air this weekend.

"If the Democrats said we had a war on caterpillars and every mainstream media outlet talked about the fact that Republicans have a war on caterpillars, then we'd have problems with caterpillars," Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus said as he talked about the GOP's War On Women.    "It's a fiction."

A Gallup/ USA Today poll conducted in late March shows that President Obama has a 19-point advantage over Mitt Romney among women in swing states.    Democrats typically win more support from women than Republicans, but this gap is notably larger than usual.    Republicans have a reputation of neglecting women and their issues and needs but for some reason it has become a platform of the party now that the tea party and ultra-conservatives have captured control of the GOP.

Democrats argue that gap exists because of the recent focus on issues relating to contraception, abortion
rights and women's health care in general.

"The debate has really brought clarity to the fact that women's health needs are under attack by an
increasingly conservative Republican party,"    New York Democratic Rep. Carolyn Maloney said in March.     "I think it's much worse than I've ever seen before."

Democrats were quick Thursday to jump on Priebus to advance their argument, castigating the RNC chairman for "comparing" women to caterpillars".     Priebus explained that a lot of thought had gone into comparing women to caterpillars.     That at first they considered horney bobos monkey like creatures but passed as the reference might not be easy for republicans to make.     Then Priebus described a phone conversation with Rush Limbaugh in which Rush suggested calling women sluts and prostitutes and asking that the war be filmed and provided to him to watch.     In the end Priebus chose to compare women to caterpillars.

"If you agree that attacks on women's health is too serious to be compared to a 'war on caterpillars' tweet @Reince to tell him how you feel!" Democratic National Committee spokesperson Melanie Roussell tweeted.

The Obama campaign even released a statement arguing that Priebus' remarks show women can't trust Romney.   Romney said that he had never seen a caterpillar but would check with his gardener to see if they were anything like women.   Romney's wife was tugging at his sleeve trying to interrupt his statement but Mitt ignored her.   Can you blame him for ignoring her?   He has already given her two Cadallics.   What else does she want?   Romney's staff insisted he has a mind of his own and further stated that he would start carrying it around with him after he wraps up the primary process.

"Reince Priebus' comparison of Republican attempts to limit women's access to mammograms, cervical cancer screenings, and contraception to a 'war on caterpillars' shows how little regard leading Republicans, including Mitt Romney, have for women's health,"  Deputy Campaign Manager Stephanie Cutter said.   To demonstrate that there was no war on caterpillars Priebus stated that he had no position on mammograms, cervical cancer screenings, and contraception for caterpillars and had no plans to develop one.   Reince went further and said he supported caterpillars having any thing they could pay for even two Cadallics and an elevator system to safely garage the cars with.

Democrats have taken a number of tactical steps to rally women voters.  The Obama campaign at the end of the month is hosting a "National Women's Issues Conference" at which the president will speak.  The White House is also highlighting Mr. Obama's attention to women's issues with a forum on women and the economy.

Republicans argue that the economy is exactly the reason women should favor the GOP.  They've pointed to a Pew Report that found "women represent the only group for whom employment growth has lagged behind population growth in the recovery."    Women now earn 71 cents for each $1 that a man earns.   Priebus thinks if the 71
cent could be lowered to 52 cents more women could get jobs and enjoy employeement.   Mitt Romney agreed.    However if someone were to flip Mitt over and shake him he might come to a different conclusion.


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So You Want to Donate Some Money to George Zimmerman

Thinking about skipping the white sheet and bed ware sale at Penny's and using that old robe and hood another year.    George wants your money and lots of it.    There are over 30 sites collecting money in his name and he isn't getting one thin dime from any of them and boy! is he POed.

The man who claims he killed Trayvon Martin in self-defense is soliciting PayPal donations on a website he created to pay his legal and other bills such as living expenses, rent, ect.

George Zimmerman created the site -- --
on Sunday and is running it, his lawyers confirmed.   Over 30 other money-raising sites have emerged since Zimmerman killed Trayvon in Sanford, Fla., on Feb. 26, but Zimmerman said he  "cannot attest to the validity"  of them and that none of the money they get finds its way to him.

Here's the statement he posted:

I am the real George Zimmerman,

On Sunday February 26th, I was involved in a life altering event which led me to become the subject of intense media coverage.   As a result of the incident and subsequent media coverage, I have been forced to leave my home, my school, my employer, my family and ultimately, my entire life.   This website's sole purpose is to ensure my supporters they are receiving my full attention without any intermediaries.

It has come to my attention that some persons and/or entities have been collecting funds, thinly veiled as my  "Defense Fund"  or "Legal Fund".     I cannot attest to the validity of these other websites as I have not received any funds collected, intended to support my family and I through this trying, tragic time.

I have created a Paypal account solely linked on this website as I would like to provide an avenue to thank my supporters personally and ensure that any funds provided come dirctly to me and are used only for living expenses and legal defense,ect.,in lieu of my forced inability to maintain employment.  

I will also personally, maintain accountability of all funds received.   I reassure you, every donation is appreciated.   I need to buy a new vehicle and am considering face altering sugery plus I have rent to pay on a new secret housing unit and need to pay for legal reps. and public spokesmen to represent me on TV.  

I dare not cut my own grass or shop for groceries and other needed items and must pay others to assist me.   I expect this situation to last for a indefinate period of time and I will need many thousands of dollars to keep my life together.   I will be setting up a system that allows you to make monthly donations that are deducted from your checking account or credit card automatically.  

Eventually I will need to move to another part of the country and buy a house there and restart my life using a different name.     This may take place after spending a stretch in prison but I have secured the services of an experienced attorney who got Casey Anthony off when she was accused of killing her daughter.     With the much appreciated funds you send me I can put this attourney to work for me.

George Zimmerman

PS: If my book and movie deal come thru later I will consider sending an autographed photo to all my supporters who have donated over a thousand dollars, you betcha!

ACV Democratic News

The Future Belongs to Those Who Vote

1 comment:

  1. All stated so perfectly, you guys hit this one dead on. Republicans have taken all they do to a new low and the quicker republicans are put out of their misery the better.


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