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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Obama Scores Great Victory for Himself

Change You Will Live With

Obama will not be bothered by the debt ceiling anymore until after his re-election.      He scored a great victory and earned the ability to deal with re-election without being bothered by the debt ceiling.     Congradulations to President Obama on his hard fought victory.      He really kept his eye on the prize.
I have Lived Up to all My Promises

Beyond that Republicans got 98% of what they were asking for so congradulations to them.      Democrats got nothing beyond an enhanced opportunity to keep Obama in office for 4 more years.     
Some Year I (or the next guy up) will end the Wars and bring the Troops Home.     That will save a lot of money.

We will have to wait a few days to see how the people react.      In just a year and six months the Obama extension to the Bush Tax cuts runs out and there is always a small chance that the wealthy and big business might pick up some of the load the middle class and poor are dragging on their backs.     A small chance is better than no chance, most of the time.
I am Completely Satisfied with the Great Job I am Doing.

As the newly negotiated deal dials back spending it will also dial back jobs.      The economy is too weak to raise taxes on the rich, they are refered to as the job creators though they haven't created any jobs in about 10 years now.      I guess we are afraid that if we tax them they might never again create a job.      Fortunately conditions are good enough to cut back on spending and live with the job losses the middle class and poor will face.    At least the rich won't be put out or made uncomfortable.
My Greatest Skill, Basketball

Is this what Democrats stand for?       Is this all Obama stands for?      The answer to one doesn't have to be the answer for both.












Amherst County Virginia Democratic News

Its Time To Re-Build The Democratic Party

Professor Obama has taught the Tea Party a lesson.      He has taught them that their tatics work and produce results.       He has taught them that in the end he will choke and fold so now and for the forseeable future the Tea Party will repeat those actions that have payed dividends for them.      Obama has failed to stand up for Democrats and potect their interests.  

Obama entered the fray with no plan and backed down from every statement he made along the way.     "I want shared responsibility with everyone having skin in the game."      This plan opens medicare up to having the age for entry raised to 67, funny but until the voting is done nobody will tell you that.    

Tougher Means testing can be applied to  Medicade, Medicare and Social Security.      These changes are part of step two and that starts in December of 2011.      There are no tax increases for the wealthy in the plan.     Now the white house and some Democrats and Obamas supporters will rewrite the story at every opportunity.      Anything short of telling the truth but the truth will leak out when it is too late to matter.

Obama has several times now shown his skills at deal making and those skills are near invisible.     For the rest of his time in office he will continue to operate at the levels he has demonstrated so far.     Everyone wants to do business with Obama because he is a pushover, a mark.

If that's good enough for you, swell.     It sickens me.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

What does Obama do when there is nothing left to give away?

I was thinking about writing this article about the tea party and how they went to Washington and kept true to their stated positions and didn't sell out the people who voted for them but why bother that would be greek to democrats and republicans who bend when the wind blows.     Instead I will try to figure out what party label to attach to Obama.    Thus the question:

Is Obama a Great or the Greatest Moderate Republican President Ever?

Thanks to Stephen Colbert for the question and I'll put you down as Great because I see you have some concern with the question.    I know you've heard it said about the GOP that they are not your grandfathers republican party and thats right they are not.   President Obama and his team are your grandfathers republican party.    We are no longer a two party system, we are now a four party system.    The Tea Party, The Right Wing Republican Party and The Moderate Republican Party (formerly a part of the Democratic party) and lastly standing alone the Progressive Democratic Party.
Democrat Joe Biden and Moderate Republican President Barack Obama

The three variants of the Republican party vote together and the only opposing voice comes from the Progressive Democrats.   The last Democratic President, Bill Clinton, has extended himself in an attempt to help Obama find the Democratic part of himself but so far only the letter D following his name is evidence of any Democratic leaning or life.    The Tea Party will probably demand that the letter D be removed from the alphabet and Obama will trip all over himself to get the alphabet reduced to 25 letters.    

I wish the Tea party would take a position on ending the three wars now eating up  all the money China loans us.     Obama would be willing to hand strangle grandma to keep the wars going one more day.     He just keeps on extending US involvement in a losing effort that is already lost to corruption and poppies.     Is it possible to bring the troops home?

Thus the question becomes is it better to have a weak spineless  Moderate Republican like Obama in the Presidency than a Tea Party Republican.     Under either option the Tea party pulls the strings and Obama dances.    This is a tough question but with the use of a powerful microscope we see that Obama wins by a hair and what the heck, Who else do You have to vote for?    If Obama had accomplished anything or come out ahead in any negotiations we could spin a great record of accomplishment for him.   Over two years into his term and still there are no jobs, unemployeement is pegged at 9.2% with a real value of 14%.   The Democrats have not passed a budget in almost 2 years and the Bush Tax cuts for the rich have been extended by Obama and are a trillion dollars of the debt crisis we now face.   This is a pure record of failure.     Obama is quite proud of what he has been able to do.

Now bore me with your claims about the Obama health care package that is still undefined and changes everyday and lives mainly on the court dockets and makes only small marks in real life.    It is ok to be a partisan.   It is ok to support a political party.   It is dangerous to be a fool.

Look closely at his positions and Obama is a moderate Republican of the early 1990s.  The principles of his health care law, his cap-and-trade carbon credits, and his pairing of tax hikes with spending cuts were all Republican proposals before the GOP abandoned many of its best ideas in its effort to oppose Obama.

Obama embraces Republican policy ideas.    Unfortunately, that means he loses and looks like a fool.   Today's Republicans have shown they're ok with destroying the climate,  blocking efforts to get health care to uninsured people, and generally ruining the economy — as long as they destroy Obama.    Obama seems to have no self preservation instinct and to be completely dumb to the game.    After playing the game for 2 and a half years Obama is not one bit smarter than he was at the beginning.   His learning curve seems to go downhill.

I'll put my money on Obama backing down, surrendering, giving in, folding every time and I'll win every time.      I voted for Obama last time and I'll vote for him next time.     He'll pretend to be a Democrat and we can all pretend he cares about Democratic principles.    BUT No more pretending that he's not the most medicore president ever elected and no more fighting for a man who lays down and won't fight for himself.      Would I trust this man to watch my back?      Please!!!

Amherst County Virginia Democratic News

After failing to fight to end the Bush Tax Cuts in 2010, and promising that he'll fight to end them the next time around, Obama has, predictably, folded on ending the Bush Tax Cuts for the wealthiest Americans, tax cuts that have exploded the deficit.

President Obama is not pushing for the end of the Bush tax rates for the wealthy in negotiations on raising the $14.3 trillion debt ceiling.

Obama says he still wants to end those tax rates, but with time running out on the debt-ceiling talks, the White House made it clear that it has changed targets in the current negotiations.   Obama only has one demand now.    Give me a deal that gets thru 2012, past the election.      If the Republicans say NO he'll fold on this too.

Same Old, Same Old as Obama Folds Again.    Is there anything, anything, anything that this President will fight for?    Now somebody please explain to me why Progressives should support Obama's reelection?    And please save the But The GOP Will Win If We Don't, because all we are getting is conservative policies and victories with Obama in office, and he hasn't done anything to fix the economy other than a few half-measures 2+ years ago.  

The Conservatives could not get more if they controlled the entire show.
Whats a Spine?

Happy Birthday Mr. President.      On August 4th when you close your eyes and make a wish before blowing out the candles on the cake,  Wish For A SPINE.      A 50 year old man needs one.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Politics Destroys The USA's Credit Rating

In this world of sin and sorrow there is always something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican.  ~H.L. Mencken

When Menchen had this thought the tea party had not been invented, humans had not sunk that low.

Defeating Obama is My #1 Mission

How long will Republicans obstruct a raising of the debt ceiling in their attempt to defeat President Obama and make him a one term president?      It is no secret what they are doing.      They have openly stated that limiting Obama to one term is their reason for being.     Are Republicans willing to destroy Americas credit and standing in the world for politics?       They even want to raise the limit a month at a time so they can keep the fight going continually.
I Will Give You 95% of What You Want.     Thats How I Negotiate
(Its Aug 1st and I owe You a correction the 95% quoted above is wrong, completely wrong.    It should read 98%.    We apoligize for the faulty info.)

Here's what Obama needs to do.     Show some spine and bite.     I'm a life long Democrat but I'm past tired of making excuses for the weaknesses of President Obama.     It is time to demand a clean debt ceiling increase with nothing else attached.     Obama has made so many mistakes, wasting over a year on his health care bill and getting dam near nothing for the effort, extending the Bush tax cuts when the people were ready to draw a line in the sand and fight.    Doing squat on job creation when that is the number one issue on peoples minds.     Now if it weren't for the Tea Party saying NO Obama would have given away the store.     Thank God the Republicans don't know how to say yes and take a win.     That inability to take the win by saying yes is all that kept Obama from giving it all away.     Dumb luck, fate and Tea Party stupidity saved workers, women, seniors and minority benefits.
Read My Lips   "NO TAX INCREASES"  The Upper 2 % are safe.

The Democratic Senators and Congressmen should do their jobs and negotiate the deals and then present them to Obama.     Leaving Obama out of everything but the final accept or veto would produce far better deals and serve the Democratic Party better.     Please come to grips with this, OBAMA Can Not Handle a Negotation.     He talks a great game, delivers a nice speech and generally pleases an audience with generalized banter but is not suited for heavy lifting.    His back and knees bend in every direction.     He has no GRIT and 2 and a half years in it doesn't look like he will develop any.
50 Years Old, Time To Stand for Something.    I'll stand up and blame it on Bush.

As a Democrat I will vote for Obama to get a second term but I will not fool myself or you about his skill level.      I vote for him because he is the lessor of two evils by an inch.     I vote for him because I have no where else to go.    I vote for him because I HOPE he learns something from all the defeats he presides over.    If you think about what is delivered vs. beautiful language you may find yourself less than impressed and tired of defending a President that will sell out your values in a heartbeat, a President who cannot negotiate.
Yes We Can, If You Do All Of The Work, I'll be there for the Victory Photo.

All of Washington is Broken and we elected the fools.     Will Obama Blink Again?     Bet on It!    Leaving Obama on the sidelines while more experienced Democrats do the negotiating is the smartest move they can make.      When the deal is done present it to him for acceptance or veto.      Obama has the slowest learning curve of any President in the last 60 years.      He has been outmanuvered by the opposition party every time and has shown no improvement at all.
They messed with Bill every day for 8 years and HE STILL Balanced the Budget, created 22 Million Jobs and created a surplus for the next man up to blow.     And George Bush Did.
Running the Country is like drilling for oil, you hire riggers to do the work. 

If asked, Bill would assist and save the day.
Bill would not hesitate to use the 14th ammendment.
The Debts of the United States shall not be questioned.
The King of Surrender, Mr. Choke and Fold

REMEMBER Next Meeting Of
Amherst County Democrats

Sept. 13th....7pm....Madison Heights Library....(doors open 6:30pm)....Ample Free Parking.

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Amherst County Virginia Democratic News
VOTE Democratic...Proect Your Benefits

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Senator Mark Warner Hosts Bert Dodson Fundraiser

Friday, July 22, 8:00AM 
You're invited to enjoy breakfast with Senator Mark Warner and Bert Dodson.
Senator Warner speaking, President Obama in crowd

Senator Mark Warner will host a fundraiser for Bert Dodson
Senator Warner

at the Main Street Eatery,  907 Main Street in Lynchburg.

Ticket Prices:
Bert Dodson and Tim Kaine

Host - $2000 per couple
Co-Host - $1,000 per couple
Support - $500 per couple
Guest - $250 per person

Mail checks to:
Friends of Bert Dodson
PO Box 464
Lynchburg, VA 24505

Bert Dodson announcing candidacy

Pay online at
Bert Dodson's Website

Thank You

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Bert Dodson's Campaign Schedule

Are You Wondering When and Where You Can Catch Bert?

 Here's His Schedule.
Amherst County Democrats

Sunday, July 10, 11:00 AM – 1:30 PM - Jesus Center of Refuge & Hope – Rev. Alfred Jones, 1664 Melton Road, Appomattox.
Amherst Democrats

Sunday, July 10, 6:00– 9:30 PM - Lynchburg Hillcats v. Potomac Nationals at the Lynchburg City Stadium, 3180 Fort Avenue, Lynchburg.
Amherst County Virginia Democratic News

Friday, July 15, 5:30 PM – Sundown - Friday Cheers, Riverfront Park, 1000 Jefferson Street, Lynchburg.
Democratic News

Friday, July 15, 7:05 – 10:30 PM - Lynchburg Hillcats at the Lynchburg City Stadium, 3180 Fort Avenue, Lynchburg.
Central Virginia Democratic News

Sunday, July 17, 11:00 AM – 1:30 PM - Jordan Baptist Church - Highway 608, Appomattox.
Amherst Democratic News

Friday, July 22, 5:30 PM – Sundown - Appomattox Cheers , Abbitt Memorial Park, Appomattox, VA
Democratic News

Saturday, July 23 - Parade at 10:00 AM - Cowboy Day in Buckingham County at the Historic Village at Lee Wayside, 84 Lee Wayside Road, Buckingham, VA
Note: Admission is $5 for adults.

Madison Heights Democratic News

Sunday, July 24, 11:00 AM – 1:30 PM - Peaks Baptist Church, Highway 626, Prospect, VA 23960

If you want to contact Burt and can't fit your schedule to his then drop by his Lynchburg Campaign Office or give them a call.   Lonnie, Gerald, Kody or Kelsey will do all they can to assist you.    Here's the address.

1022 Commerce Street, Suite F
Lynchburg, VA 24504
Office Phone:  434-851-4885

Suite F is on the second floor.     Use the solid door with out the window to enter the building from the street.    Take elevator to second floor.    You will be greeted warmly.

Contact information for campaign staff:

Campaign Manager
 Lonny Paris

Political Director
 Gerald Cheatham

Field Director
 Kody Roza

If Kody or Kelsey contact you please give them all the help you can.      They may be contacting Amherst County Democrats as they try to place the word Senator in front of Bert's name and send him off to his office in Richmond.      Here's thanking you in advance for your assistence.     Thank You.

You are welcome to visit Bert Dodson Headquarters but if you would like to contribute by mail, here's the address.

Friends of Bert Dodson
P.O. Box 10249
Lynchburg, Va  24506-0249

Please make checks payable to:

Friends of Bert Dodson

To comply with Virginia law please include
Name and Home Address,    City and Zip Code
Home Phone,    E-Mail Address
Occupation,    Employer

If you would like to Volunteer,   If you would like a Yard Sign or If you would like to Host an Event.     If you would like to Make a Donation of any size it will be appeciated and put to good use telling all the citizens of the 22nd District about Bert Dodson and our campaign.
                    Burt Thanks You for any Help You Can Give.
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